Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This week I'd like to discuss a book that will make a huge difference in your game.
If you only buy one book on BJJ then this is it!
If someone offered me every book on BJJ or this one, I would pick this one and give up all my other BJJ books if I had to choose.
Trust me it is that good.
You've probably already heard talk about it and probably also heard how great it is. What you might not have heard is that this is easily the most complete book on BJJ ever put out, not only that but it's a book you will actually learn from.
The book is aptly named Jiu-Jitsu University
by Saulo Ribeiro with kevin Howell.

We definitely see an evolution in BJJ books here and they've set the bar pretty high.
Saulo has definitely gone the extra distance with this book.
I would easily pay $50.00 for it, it lists for $39.95 but you can get it for only $26.37 from amazon.
It would be great if a DVD set would follow.
The description says that this book will change the way Jiujitsu is taught around the world and I believe it!

Many people have said that this is the best book on BJJ out there and once you check it out you'll agree.
One thing I really like is how it breaks down the basics of each belt level and gives a super clear and concise view of the game.
With a lifetime worth of BJJ theory and applicable knowledge, featuring 368 pages with full colour incredibly detailed photos.

Do yourself a huge favour and click on the link to buy this book, it's very rare that I make recommendations to my readers but when I see something this valuable I have to share it.

As a matter of fact, I challenge you to get this book and write me if it doesn't improve your game. I'm willing to bet everyone who writes me will be to thank me for helping them improve.

Just buy it now, you'll thank me for this.


  1. I agree whole-heartedly about this book. It has been especially helpful for someone like myself that isn't that advanced and needed some basic survival and escape help.

  2. Glad to be of help, you'll find this book to be an invaluable resource for years to come.
