Friday, June 20, 2008

The Grappling Trifecta Part 3

Although it might seem obvious, conditioning is the second most critical aspect in order to be an effective grappler.
The thing with conditioning is that you either have it or you don't.
You can't push yourself far beyond your current level of conditioning when you're gassing out.
So if you don't have it then you'd better work at getting your conditioning level up.
That's the good news, you can always work at improving your conditioning.

It doesn't matter how good your skills are if you don't have the conditioning to consistently be able to pull them off.
The last thing you want is to be incredibly skilled yet not properly conditioned, and to gas out when you're dominating your opponent.
So work at perfecting your techniques, work on your conditioning regularly, either through grappling specific drills and calisthenics, and later this week I'll be discussing the final factor necessary to be effective and reach your highest potential in Jiujitsu.

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